MxMo 107: Burden of Proof | Rust n’ Dust

Mixology Monday has rolled around once again! This time, Monsieur Dagreb of Nihil Utopia is hosting the party, and he's asked us to mix up a round of drinks featuring high-proof spirits -- anything over 50% ABV as defined in his announcement post. [Mar 27: To see what all of us came up with, check... Continue Reading →

MxMo CVI: Spring Break — La Lavanda

Time for another Mixology Monday! Now that we've braced ourselves against winter and slogged through February, it's time to set our sights on Spring...premature? Wishful thinking? Perhaps, but Joel at Southern Ash has asked us to mix up drinks that inspire thoughts of warmer weather. Look no further than the Lavanda...     --- Photos... Continue Reading →

MxMo CV: Brace Yourself — Le Restaurateur No. 2

      So...for the latest Mixology Monday, Doc Elliot has asked us to mix up a string of drinks to act as winter bracers -- anything that will help us folks inhabiting the northern hemisphere to last through the winter. No problemo, Doc! To see everyone's MxMo contributions, check out Doc's Roundup Post.

MxMo LXXV: Flip Flop — The Sheik

How are new cocktails created? Well, one fairly simple way is to take an existing drink and swap some or all of the ingredients for new ones. It's best to exchange one ingredient for another of the same "type," however -- you can swap one base spirit for another, one liqueur for another, one citrus... Continue Reading →

MxMo LXIX: Fortified Wines — Got Sherry?

January's Mixology Monday is focused upon a trend that is steadily gaining steam in bars across the country: the use of port, sherry, and Madeira wines in cocktails. Sure, you can reach for the old standbys like vermouth and quinquina if you want to add some sweetness and complexity, but bitter aftertastes and quinine aren't for everyone.... Continue Reading →

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