MxMo LXXXII: Monsieur Lauer at the Lapin Agile

As you might well guess, the blog isn't the only repository for my cocktail knowledge and experiments. Since the summer of 2010, I've kept a cocktail journal, of sorts: it started as a collection of recipes scribbled haphazardly into a Moleskine notebook, but has since evolved into a chronological account of the boozy side of... Continue Reading →

Eh, it’s-a Tombasi, un Cocktail Originale!

A couple of weeks ago, the Lauer household was inundated with tomatoes. The gardens were cranking  'em out in July, and we could only consume so many of them. Our stomachs replete with red fruit, we offered them up to neighbors and co-workers, and with their stomachs replete, we had to move on to long-term storage solutions...along... Continue Reading →

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